San Juan Community Collaborative for Health Equity

Goal & Vision Statement

The San Juan Collaborative for Health Equity’s (SJCHE) purpose is to work with Rural and Metropolitan communities that are impacted by social, economic and health disparities stemming from environmental racism, lack of unity or apathy in tribal and urban communities and in working together in addressing issues of the disadvantaged Native Americans/Navajos/Dine’. The SJCHE has priority community engagement projects to include: Homeless Task Force; Race Healing; Dine’ Food Sovereignty; Dine’ Youth; and the impacts of environmental fracking. Hazel James, a full blood Diné woman, serves as the San Juan Coordinator. She works with community advocates who address; Social Justice, Racial Justice, Environmental and Health Justice issues. She actively engages communities in the use of Indigenous Knowledge of Hozhoogo na ada Research and Evaluation epistemology & pedagogy with scholars/professors/elders.

At Ojo Encino chapter local chapters giving testimony on non safety n health related road conditions impacted by oil n gas industry trucks. About 15 state reps 6 represent San Juan – partial.

Tri chapter health concerns from hydraulic fracking concerns testimony. Left to right: Hazel, Mario Atencio, Daniel Tso, Teresa Seamster

San Juan Collaborative for Health Equity links:

DCRE meeting on May 25, 2018, in Twin Lakes, NM. Meetings are held in an Earth Hogan a Navajo Traditional Home, where traditional teachings are held.

Dr. Tsosie, a member of San Juan Collaborative for Health Equity, and team member of the Evolving Dine’ Centered Research and Evaluation, everyone, enjoyed his storytelling and wisdom teachings, at the IBH Conference on July 31, 2018

Contact Info

San Juan Collaborative for Health Equity Website:
San Juan Community Collaborative for Health Equity


Twitter: n/a

Contact Person

Hazel James, San Juan Community Collaborative for Health Equity Coordinator



(505) 635-8629

In The News

HazelHazel James
San Juan Collaborative for Health Equity Coordinator

Ya’at’eeh doo Ahe’hee (Greetings and Thank you): To all “My Relations”.

I am a Diné (Navajo) Woman. My matrilineal clan is Zuni Edgewater People; Born for Black Streak Through Wood People; Maternal Chei/grandfather is Big Water; Nali/Paternal grandfather is Salt People. I am a proud wife, a mother of four, a joyful grandmother of four grandsons, and a happy gardener.

First, I give thanks to my parents and grandparents for gifting me the everlasting Diné traditional teachings of courage, love and respect for the sacred elements as this has guided my life’s work. Through learning Diné values, principals, and wisdom we find spiritual balance, guided by the four directions. This is the strength of indigenous protocols which I have applied to important community work as the San Juan Collaborative for Health Equity-Coordinator (SJCHE). The Hozhógo na ada /Diné Research and Evaluation process clarifies employs these protocols, applying Diné epistemology and language to nurture positive change. It facilitates the inclusion of Diné youth, children, parents, elders, decision makers, educators, and health professionals to create and evolve solutions to shared issues. In this way we can sustainably and effectively address systemic injustice to uphold Human Rights and nurture Health Equity, Environmental Justice and Food Sovereignty among other things. The SJCHE Team works with a vision of harmony, sustainability, and building community capacity in social, environmental, and economic sustainability that promotes racial healing.


(505) 635-8629